
Type Definitions

creativeData :Object

Object with the trafficking ad parameters and the xmlEncoded flag.

Name Type Attributes Description
AdParameters string <optional>

the AdParameters of the linear Ad as they come in the VAST XML.

xmlEncoded boolean <optional>

true if the AdParameters are xml encoded and false otherwise


InteractiveFile :Object

VAST InteractiveFile representation For more info please take a look at the VAST specification

Name Type Attributes Description
apiFramework string <optional>

will most likely be VPAID

src string <optional>

The source file url.

type string <optional>

MIME type for the file container like application/javascript.


MediaFile :Object

VAST MediaFile representation. For more info please take a look at the VAST specification

Name Type Attributes Description
codec string <optional>

The codec used to encode the file which can take values as specified by RFC 4281.

delivery string <optional>

Either progressive for progressive download protocols (such as HTTP) or streaming for streaming protocols.

height number <optional>

The native height of the video file, in pixels.

id string <optional>

An identifier for the media file.

maintainAspectRatio string <optional>

Boolean value that indicates whether aspect ratio for media file dimensions should be maintained when scaled to new dimensions

bitrate string <optional>

For progressive load video, the bitrate value specifies the average bitrate for the media file

maxBitrate string <optional>

max bitrate for streaming videos.

minBitrate string <optional>

min bitrate for streaming videos.

scalable string <optional>

Boolean value that indicates whether the media file is meant to scale to larger dimensions

src string <optional>

The source file url.

type string <optional>

MIME type for the file container. Popular MIME types include, but are not limited to “video/x-flv” for Flash Video and “video/mp4” for MP4.

width number <optional>

The native width of the video file, in pixels.

universalAdId string <optional>

A string identifying the unique creative identifier.


ParsedAd :Object

Deserialised ad object from a parsedVast object.



The parsed time offset in milliseconds or a string with the percentage


ParsedVast :Object

JS XML deserialised object.



Parses the passed xml text.

Name Type Description
xmlText string

XML text to be parsed.


if there is an error parsing the xml.

pixelTracker :TrackerFn

Creates a tracking image with the passed URL macro.

Name Type Description
URLMacro string

URL Macro that need to be tracked.

data Object

Data Object with the macros's variables.


TrackerFn(URLMacro, data)

Tracking function.

Name Type Description
URLMacro string

URL Macro that need to be tracked.

data Object

data to use for the URL Macro.


VAST-macro :string

From VAST specification:

Sometimes ad servers would like to collect metadata from the video player when tracking event URIs are accessed. For example, the position of the video player playhead at the time a tracking event URI is accessed is useful to the ad server and is data that can only be known at the time of the prescribed tracking event. This data cannot be built into the URI at the time the VAST response is built and served.

The following macros enable the video player to provide certain details to the ad server at the time tracking URIs are accessed.

  • [ERRORCODE]: replaced with one of the error codes listed in section when the associated error occurs; reserved for error tracking URIs.
  • [CONTENTPLAYHEAD]: replaced with the current time offset “HH:MM:SS.mmm” of the video content.
  • [CACHEBUSTING]: replaced with a random 8-digit number.
  • [ASSETURI]: replaced with the URI of the ad asset being played.
  • [TIMESTAMP]: the date and time at which the URI using this macro is accessed. Used where ever a time stamp is needed, the macro is replaced with the date and time using the formatting conventions of ISO 8601. However, ISO 8601 does not provide a convention for adding milliseconds. To add milliseconds, use the convention .mmm at the end of the time provided and before any time zone indicator. For example, January 17, 2016 at 8:15:07 and 127 milliseconds, Eastern Time would be formatted as follows: 2016-01-17T8:15:07.127-05 When replacing macros, the video player must correctly percent-encode any characters as defined by RFC 3986. VAST doesn’t provide any guidance on URI format, but using the [CACHEBUSTING] macro simplifies trafficking, enabling ad servers to easily search and replace the appropriate macro for cache busting.

VastChain :Array.<VastResponse>

Array of VastResponse sorted backwards. Last response goes first. Represents the chain of VAST responses that ended up on a playable video ad or an error.


VastChainDetails :Object

VastChain details object. You can think of it as a summary of the VAST Chain. Useful for debugging purposes and tracking. for more info about the returned properties please check VAST specification

Name Type Attributes Description
adId string <optional>

the ad Id. See VAST spec for more info

adServingId string <optional>

the adServingId See VAST spec for more info

adSystem string <optional>
  • the ad system. See VAST spec for more info
adTitle string <optional>

ad title.

advertiser string <optional>

ad advertiser's name.

adWrapperCreativeAdIds Array.<string> <optional>

creative ad ids of the wrapper.

adWrapperCreativeIds Array.<string> <optional>

creative Ids of the wrappers.

adWrapperIds Array.<string> <optional>

ad ids of the wrappers.

adWrapperSystems Array.<string> <optional>

ad systems of the wrappers.

category string <optional>

ad category.

categoryAuthority string <optional>

ad category authority.

clickThroughUrl string <optional>

the inline ad clickThroughUr.

creativeAdId string <optional>

the ad id of the linear creative.

creativeData string <optional>

Object with the creativeData of the Ad.

creativeId string <optional>

the id of the linear creative.

description string <optional>

ad description.

duration string <optional>

the linear duration as it comes int the VAST XML

durationInMs number <optional>

the linear duration in milliseconds

mediaFiles Array.<MediaFile> <optional>

The linear ads MediaFiles

pricing string <optional>

the pricing of the ad if available

pricingCurrency string <optional>

the currency of the pricing if available.

pricingModel string <optional>

the pricing model if available.

skipOffset string <optional>

the linear skip offset as it comes int the VAST XML

skipOffsetInMs number <optional>

the linear skip offset in milliseconds

skippable boolean <optional>

true if the ad is skippable and false otherwise.

universalAdId string <optional>

Universal Ad Id of the ad.

universalAdIdRegistry string <optional>

registry of the Universal Ad Id of the ad.

vastVersion string

VAST version of the last VastResponse. If no version is found it will contain unknown.

vpaid boolean <optional>

if the VastChain has a linear ad, it will be true if it contains a VPAID creative and false otherwise.


VastIcon :Object

VastIcon. For more info please take a look at the VAST specification

Name Type Attributes Description
offset ParsedOffset <optional>

The time of delay from when the associated linear creative begins playing to when the icon should be displayed.

duration ParsedOffset <optional>

The duration the icon should be displayed unless ad is finished playing.

height number <optional>

Pixel height of the icon.

width number <optional>

Pixel width of the icon.

program string <optional>

The program represented in the icon (e.g. "AdChoices").

pxratio number <optional>

The pixel ratio for which the icon creative is intended. The pixel ratio is the ratio of physical pixels on the device to the device-independent pixels. An ad intended for display on a device with a pixel ratio that is twice that of a standard 1:1 pixel ratio would use the value "2." Default value is "1.".

xPosition string | number <optional>

The x-coordinate of the top, left corner of the icon asset relative to the ad display area. Values of "left" or "right" also accepted and indicate the leftmost or rightmost available position for the icon asset.

yPosition string | number <optional>

The y-coordinate of the top left corner of the icon asset relative to the ad display area. Values of "top" or "bottom" also accepted and indicate the topmost or bottom most available position for the icon asset

staticResource string <optional>

The URI to a static creative file to be used as the icon.

htmlResource string <optional>

The URI to a static creative file to be used as the icon.

iFrameResource string <optional>

The URI to a static creative file to be used as the icon.

iconViewTracking Array.<string> <optional>

Array of URIs for the tracking resource files to be called when the icon creative is displayed

iconClickThrough string <optional>

A URI to the industry program page opened when a viewer clicks the icon.

iconClickTracking Array.<string> <optional>

Array of URIs to the tracking resource files to be called when a click corresponding to the id attribute (if provided) occurs.


VastResponse :Object

An Object representing a processed VAST response.

Name Type Description
ad Object

The selected ad extracted from the passed XML.

parsedXML Object

The XML parsed object.

errorCode number

VAST error code number to identify the error or null if there is no error.

error Error

Error instance with a human readable description of the error or undefined if there is no error.

requestTag string

Ad tag that was used to get this VastResponse.

XML string

RAW XML as it came from the server.


VastTrackingEvent :Object

VastTrackingEvent. For more info please take a look at the VAST specification

Name Type Attributes Description
event string <optional>

A string that defines the event being track.

offset ParsedOffset <optional>

When the progress of the linear creative has matched the value specified, the included URI is triggered

uri string <optional>

A URI to the tracking resource for the event specified using the event attribute


WrapperOptions :Object

Wrapper ad options.

Name Type Attributes Description
allowMultipleAds boolean <optional>

a Boolean value that identifies whether multiple ads are allowed in the requested VAST response. If true, both Pods and stand-alone ads are allowed. If false, only the first stand-alone Ad (with no sequence values) in the requested VAST response is allowed. Default value is “false.”

fallbackOnNoAd boolean <optional>

a Boolean value that provides instruction for using an available Ad when the requested VAST response returns no ads. If true, the video player should select from any stand-alone ads available. If false and the Wrapper represents an Ad in a Pod, the video player should move on to the next Ad in a Pod; otherwise, the video player can follow through at its own discretion where no-ad responses are concerned.

followAdditionalWrappers boolean <optional>

s a Boolean value that identifies whether subsequent wrappers after a requested VAST response is allowed. If false, any Wrappers received (i.e. not an Inline VAST response) should be ignored. Otherwise, VAST Wrappers received should be accepted (default value is “true.”)
